You Are The Ideal Of My Dreams
Words and Music by Herbert Ingraham
Published 1910 by Shapiro Music

At last I meet you face to face,
the I-deal of my dream,
I've wait-ed to be-hold you dear,
For years and years 'twould seem;

And now you come to live, to breathe,
From out the mys-tic night,
My burn-ing heart, my ve-ry soul,
Cries out in all its might:

I love you, I love you, I love you,
You are the I-deal of my dreams,
I al-ways knew, 'twould be some-one like you,
I've loved you for-ev-er it seems
For years in my minds fond-est fan-cy

A pic-ture of your face I drew,
And I knew you some how,
when I met you just now,
You are the I-deal of m-y dreams.

Some how I feel you can't be real,
you'll van-ish like the mist,
Be-force I hold you in my arms,
Be-force your lips I've kissed,

But no, you speak, you real-ly live,
Warm blood thro' your veins flows,
Come nes-tle to my throb-bing breast,
I want the world to know:

I love you, I love you, I love you,
You are the I-deal of my dreams,
I al-ways knew, 'twould be some-one like you,
I've loved you for-ev-er it seems
For years in my minds fond-est fan-cy

A pic-ture of your face I drew,
And I knew you some how,
when I met you just now,
You are the I-deal of m-y dreams.