William Jennings Bryan of Nebraska
Words and Music by William T. Wheelan
Published 1900 by W.T. Wheelan
[Verse 1]
There's a sil-ver li-on ramp-ant
in the wild and wool-y west;
You will know him by the sil-ver stars
that gleam up-on his crest;
You will know him by the cross and crown
he bears up-on his breast;
As Wil-liam Jen-nings Bry-an of Ne-bras-ka!
He is com-ing, boys, com-ing,
and he's com-ing here to stay,
The peo-ple are a-wait-ing f
or his com-ing light and day
The trusts and com-bi-na-tions
too had bet-ter clear the way,
for Wil-liam Jen-nings Bry-an of Ne-bras-ka!
[Verse 2]
With the stars and stripes a-bove him,
he will sweep this coun-try through,
He will leave a trail of fire be-hind
that noth-ing can sub-due;
As a lead-er of the peo-ple,
he is fear-less, staunch and true;
Is Wil-liam Jen-nings Bry-an of Ne-bras-ka!
[Repeat chorus]
[Verse 3]
As the glor-ious in-car-na-tion
of the dem-o-crat-ic creed,
As the friend of law and or-der
and the foe of self-ish greed;
With the cour-age of a lead-er
who is not a-fraid to lead;
Stands Wil-liam Jen-nings Bry-an of Ne-bras-ka!
[Repeat chorus]
[Verse 4]
Pro-claim from ev-'ry mount-ain crag,
on ev-'ry land and sea:
The Con-sti-tu-tion and the Flag
shall still u-nit-ed be;
They must stand or fall to-geth-er
as the guard-ians of the free
With Wil-liam Jen-nings Bry-an of Ne-bras-ka!
[Repeat chorus]
[Verse 5]
They may starve the Puer-to Ri-cans,
they may crush the Phil-li-pines;
But the peo-ple will a-rouse them
from those proud, im-per-ial dreams;
And dem-o-cra-cy shall con-quer,
when its ban-nered light-'ning gleams,
O'er Wil-liam Jen-nings Bry-an of Ne-bras-ka!
[Repeat chorus]