Wilson, That's All
Music by Geo. Walter Brown
Words by Ballard MacDonald
Published 1912 by Shapiro Music Pub. Co.

[Verse 1]
Now con-ven-tion days are ov-er,
And e-lec-tion time is near;
From East to West, from North to South,
There's just one name in ev-'ry mouth.

When a fel-low meets a fel-low,
And he says to him, "What's yours?"
He says, "I think I'll have to drink,
for the Dem-o-crat-ic cause."

"Wil-son, that's all, Wil-son, that's all!
Who strikes the pub-lic sen-ti-ment,
Say who will be our Pres-i-dent?
It's Wil-son, that's all,

You'll hear them call "Tam-man-ny, Tam-man-ny,"
While on the street or on the car,
While at your home ot at the bar,
It's Wil-son, Wil-son, Wil-son, that's all!"

[Verse 2]
Bil-ly Taft had his steam roll-er,
Ted-dy's hat was in the ring,
Clark came to town with his darn boss'
but Wil-son kicked it all a-roun,'

Bil-ly Bry-an he made speech-es,
Not a del-e-gate would fall,
'Till some-one sang "How dry I am"
and the crowd be-gan to call.