Our Good and Honest Taft
Words and Music by Annie R. Waln Bassett
Published 1908 by A.R.W. Bassett
[Verse 1]
There's a war-cry from Chi-ca-go
That's spread un-to the sea
A sum-mons to the bat-tle
For the gal-lant and the free.
Yet a bat-tle with-out blood-shed
and a fight all free of graft
The bat-tle of the vot-ers
for our good and hon-est Taft.
Thank God that we are free men
And can vote for whom we will
We spread our star-ry ban-ner
free-ly forth from dome and hill
Hur-rah then for our free-dom
Let us cheer him with a will.
The man though slat-ed pres-i-dent
is just a plain man still.
[Verse 2]
He has said it to his cred-it
Let us cheer him with a will
"Al-though I'm slat-ed presi-dent
I'm just a plain man still."
'Tis the key-note of the poor man
and the man all free of graft
Whom 'tis said shall be presi-dent
our good and hon-est Taft.
[Verse 3]
There was blood in our e-lec-tion
In the time of shall and shan't
When we fear-ed to vote for Lin-coln
And we risk-ed our lifes for Grant.
Now we cast the bal-lot fear-ing
noth-ing more than au-tumn rain
And our peace will grow more peace-ful
under Taft whom 'tis said shall reign.