Music by Abe Olman
Words by Jack Yellen
Published 1920 by Forster Music Corp.
[Verse 1]
Girl-ies, slim and tall, Girl-ies, plump and small,
Ver-y wild ones, Rath-er mild ones I've had them all;
From now on with wo-man I'm done, All ex-cept-ing one.
[Chorus 1]
Down by the O-hi-o, I've got the sweet-est lit-tle O, My! O!
I'm go-ing right back there to meet her, and then O,
pic-ture me when I put my arms a-round her and kiss her a-gain;
Down by the O-hi-O,
She's just a simp-le lit-tle coun-try girl, I know,
Now coun-try girls are not sup-posed to be wise,
But when you get to know them, you'd be sur-prised!
They've got that O, My! O! Just wait till I get back to O-hi-O!
[Chorus 2]
Down by the O-hi-o, I've got the sweet-est lit-tle O, My! O!
She does-n't dress as up-to-date as she might Her clothes are a sight
But when she's in the moon-light I'll say she's all right;
How she can O, My! O!,
She's just a simp-le lit-tle coun-try girl, I know,
Your ci-ty chick-ens all have plen-ty of charm,
But I like chick-en when it's fresh from the farm
With lots of O, My! O! Just wait till I get back to O-hi-O!
[Verse 2]
She's just right for me, Suits me to a "T;"
Great on cook-ing, Not bad look-ing, You would a-gree;
Since I met her life is so sweet! Folks, I must re-peat:
[Repeat chorus(es)]