[Verse 1]
The col-lege games were o-ver
and the ech-oes loud-ly rang,
With shouts that told of
vic-t'ries brave-ly won.
Each col-lege waved its ban-ner
and young voi-ces proud-ly sang,
The ring-ing prais-es of
it's fav'-rite son.
A-mong that crowd whose cheers rang loud
A gray and grim old sol-dier sat a-lone
With flash-ing eyes he heard their cries
Tho' to that mer-ry throng he was un-known.
As he bared his head, his voice rang bold with pride
There's one more flag to cheer for boys he cried.
I've heard you cheer for Har-vard,
And for old Prince-ton too,
I've heard you yell for old Cor-nell
For Co-lum-bia and the old Yale blue,
Still my school flag floats proud-er,
Of my old school I'll brag,
There Abe Lin-coln learned life's sto-ry,
From it's flag staff waved Old Glo-ry,
That was Lin-coln's col-lege flag.
[Verse 2]
I've seen the days when can-non's
thun-der ech-oed to the skies,
When broth-er fought his broth-er,
breast to breast.
When moth-er's hearts ached
for their boys who broke
the old home ties,
And marched be-neath the
flag that they loved best.
I fought the fight I thought was right
A south-ern gray the un-i-form I wore
But strife is stilled and God has willed
That we are more un-i-ted than be-fore.
Now the East, West, North and South know just one rule
To love that flag that waved from Lin-coln's school.