Kiss And Let's Make Up
Words and Music by Charles K. Harris
Arranged by Franz Mayr
Published 1891 by Chas. K. Harris

[Verse 1]
Two lit-tle play-mates, a boy and a girl
Were play-ing one day on the sands
They had built up a house of pret-ty sea-shells,
With no tools but their lit-tle brown hands;

At last it was fin-ished, their work was well done,
And two lit-tle hearts were made glad;
When the boy just for fun gave a kick, then did run,
And down came the house on the sands,

The girl for a mo-ment stood shocked and sur-prised,
Then tears to her pret-ty eyes came
I'll nev-er for-give him, she sob-bing-ly cried,
Oh how could my Jack be so mean!

And when the lad saw his sweet-heart in tears,
He man-ful-ly to her side came,
And throw-ing his arms a-round her dear form,
said "Kiss and let's make up a-gain

Kiss and let's make up my dar-ling,
Dry your tears, don't cry in vain,
For you know I love you dar-ling,
Yes I know I was to blame,

So you wished you'd nev-er met me!
Don't say that my lit-tle pet,
What would this life be with-out you!
Kiss and let's make up."

[Verse 2]
The years rolled by, the lad sailed a-way,
The maid-en she wait-ed in vain,
Could Jack have for-got-ten those bright hap-py days,
When oft to the cot-tage he came;

The shells by the sea-shore are strewn all a-bout;
Each one brings fond mem-o-ries back,
When they built lit-tle hous-es up-on the warm sands,
She and her boy lov-er Jack,

He prom-ised to write to her once ev-'ry week,
Had an oth-er fair face won his heart!
Or else had he tired of his true coun-try lass,
Was he sat-is-fied that they should part?

But the true hon-est fel-low was sail-ing back home,
To the girl who was wait-ing in vain,
To hear his dear voice whis-per low in her ear,
"come Kiss and let's make up a-gain

Kiss and let's make up my dar-ling,
Dry your tears, don't cry in vain,
For you know I love you dar-ling,
Yes I know I was to blame,

So you wished you'd nev-er met me!
Don't say that my lit-tle pet,
What would this life be with-out you!
Kiss and let's make up."