Kiss Me Again.
Written on the them of "If I Were On The Stage"
from the Comic Opera Mlle. Modeste
Music by Victor Herbert
Words by Henry Blossom
Publication 1915 by M. Whitmark & Sons

[Through composed]
Ah! dear one! How oft-en I think of the past!
Can it be you for-get? Per-chance
'twas a pas-sion to won-drous to last,

But I dream of it yet! I see you a-gain,
as you gazed in my eyes With joy all a-light!
So fond-ly you'd fold me as soft-ly you told me Of Love
through the star sprink-led night.

Sweet sum-mer breeze, whis-per-ing trees,
Stars shin-ing soft-ly a bove;
Ros-es in bloom, waft-ed per-fume,
Sleep-y birds dream-ing of love.

Safe in your arms, far from a-larms,
Day-light shall come but in vain.
Ten-der-ly pressed close to your breast,
Kiss me, Kiss me a-gain. Kiss me a-gain!
Kiss me! Kiss me a-gain!