By The Light Of The Jungle Moon
Music by J. Caldwell Atkinson
Words by Powell I. Ford
Published 1911 by Jerome H. Remick & Co.

[Verse 1]
When the jun-gle trees are sway-ing,
Bend-ing to the breez-es, play-ing,
Af-ter the sun goes down,
Lit-tle mon-key eyes are gleam-ing,

Lit-tle mon-key hearts are dream-ing, Down in Jun-gle town.
Ev-'ry eye is turned to-ward the east-ern sky,
They're watch-ing for the jun-gle moon,
Watch-ing for its beams of yel-low, When the jun-gle moon is mel-low,
That's the time when mon-keys like to spoon.

By the light of the jun-gle moon,
In the tree-tops a-bove,
Mon-key boy sings a lov-ing tune
to his own tur-tle dove

And he whis-pers "Sweet Mon-key Maid,
won't you come out and spoon?
Here's where the bliss is, Come get your kis-ses,
By the light of the jun-gle moon."

[Verse 2]
Lis-ten to the aw-ful clat-ter,
Mon-keys won-der what's the mat-ter,
There goes a mon-key lad.
Crash-ing through the jun-gle bran-ches,

Close be-hind him tak-ing chan-ces, Comes Miss Mon-key's Dad.
Seems as if her an-gry Pa-pa saw him kiss her, And he means to catch him soon,
While the old man tries to find him, Mon-key boy will steal be-hind him,
Back where sweet Miss Mon-key waits to spoon.

[Repeat Chorus]