There's A Girl In Old Missouri,
Who Is Waiting To Be Shown.
Music by Alfred Solman
Words by Will D. Cobb
Published 1912 by The Joe Morris Music Co.
[Verse 1]
"I sup-pose you'll be sur-prised to get my let-ter,
Well it won't be much to look at, boy, I know;
Some can cross their T's and dot their I's much bet-ter,
But I nev-er had much school-in' years a-go.
I have start-ed it "Dear Son," it draws us clos-er,
I'll end it with "Dear Dad," be-cause I know:
There's a girl in old Mis-sou-ri who is wait-ing, boy, for you!
Wait-ing boy, for you! Wait-ing, boy, for you!
When your rov-er days are ov-er show that girl what you can do:
Climb-ing up! Climb-ing up! Climb-ing up!
She's an-oth-er like her moth-er, tell your-self like I tell you!
Some day when you get your-self a-lone
There's a girl in old Mis-sou-ri, in Mis-sou-ri, in Mis-sou-ri,
who is wait-ing to be shown!
[Verse 2]
"I have watched my rose bud grow in God's great gar-den,
I have al-most giv-en her a moth-er's care; If I failed,
I'd be a-fraid to ask for par-don,
When I meet her moth-er face to face up there.
In my black-smith shop as I toil at my an-vil,
It rings and sings out on the west-ern air:
[Repeat chorus]