In Dear Old Illinois
Words and Music by Paul Dresser
Published 1902 by Howley, Haviland & Dresser
[Verse 1]
To-night my thoughts are turn-ing home-ward,
The place where I was born
A-mid the per-fumed clo-ver blos-soms,
and wav-ing fields of corn
The roll-ing prai-ries,
the old log cab-in;
I see moth-er stand-ing there,
The same sweet smile that she then gave me,
is with me ev-'ry-where
My heart is yearn-ing
my thoughts are turn-ing
a-gain I am a boy;
The sun shone bright-er,
my heart seem-ed light-er,
In dear old Il-li-nois.
[Verse 2]
I see the church and all a-round it,
I see the groom and bride Walk proud-ly up the steps and en-ter,
to hear the "word" in-side,
But mem-'ry brings me back a sweet-heart,
with the ten-der-est blue eye;
Per-haps 'tis not too late to find her,
at least I'm going to try.
[Repeat Chorus]