Welcome To Parlor Songs

Parlor Songs was founded as a part of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement. According to the American Council on Education, “Higher education institutions worldwide are joining an emerging movement to provide universal and free access to digital educational content through OER”. You can learn at your own pace by browsing through our over 130 articles about America's music and read about the songs and narratives about the various aspects of our music.


Click here for Parlor Songs MP3s!

Thanks to Rich Beil, the entirety of the released CD material of this website is now available online for free. All the CDs once available for purchase are on here, and those interested in American parlor music will be in for a treat. These recordings are really nice, and some good songs are included in this collection. 

I released them for free, both because I do not have the facilities to make CDs, but also for a moral reason. These CDs were not my making, so it would be wrong to make a profit from them when I did not make them. 

It is a Google Drive shared folder, therefore access should be simple. The folders are listed by the CD. The Volume 2 CDs are in their subject folder, so Great War and Irving Berlin. To access the folder, click the italic header. Any issues, please contact me via the email.

I hope you all enjoy them. 

N. B. The Parlor Songs screensaver program is also included in the shared folder. It will no longer be updated or maintained, but it still works. 

Read about America's music. A compilation of special articles about aspects of American popular song that helps define and clarify the origins of the music that is uniquely American. Also included is a listing of biographical articles about some of the songwriters who helped define American song.
In search of American popular song

Hundreds of Popular Music History Resources.

If want to learn more about America's music, our site is full Layton Turnerof hundreds of articles about America's music and we also have a special page of composer biographies of hundreds of the famous and not so famous composers who made America's music what it was and is today. Be sure to explore our site for more learning and entertainment. See our Site Map for a quick view of all our articles or our directory of past issues. We are now in our 17th year and pioneered this type of site on the net. Click "Read More" to read about the Parlor Songs Academy, our history and development.