Reader Submission Guidelines & Policy

We would be pleased to accept reader submissions of music and articles for future publication on ParlorSongs. You submissions can come in two forms;

  1. Individual pieces of music for inclusion in a future issue.
  2. Complete articles for consideration as a feature or "In Search Of" article.

In either case, we ask that you provide us with all of the necessary files and images as well as text to publish your submission. Requests to publish specific songs or suggestions for articles are appreciated but may or may not be acted on. Complete submissions, on the other hand will be published as soon as expeditiously possible with full credit to the author, submittor.


For Individual pieces of music the following guidelines are provided. Due to our own time constraints, we cannot complete partial works nor provide research or other support. All submissions must be ready for press, in keeping with the following requirements.

Here are the specifics:

  • Songs must be in the public domain, i.e. published before January 1, 1923. Songs not in the public domain will not be considered unless the submittor can prove ownership and a release for publication.
  • Image files must be provided in the following formats:
    1. One TIFF or JPG of the sheet music cover at minimum 72 dpi sized at approximately 8" X 11".
    2. One JPG of the cover at 72 dpi and sized at 250 pixels wide.
    3. Scan images (or photocopies) of all pages of the music used to create the MIDI file.
  • An unencrypted midi file of the song in General midi format must be provided with three tracks, one for voice, one for piano RH, one for piano LH. In the case of non vocal works, two tracks one for each hand is adequate.
  • If the submittor has Sibelius software, a Sibelius file of the music may be substituted and would be preferred. All notation must be complete and as printed in the original sheet music.
  • Appropriate text to describe the music and in essence, the article you want to be published about the music or subject. Where possible, please provide composer and/or lyricist biography information or note that you have researched it and it is not to be found. We cannot and will not write the article for you, we want your unique thoughts and contribution.
  • Please include a bibliography or appropriate references for direct quotes or paraphrases.
  • All submissions become the property of
  • Bundle all images and files in a ZIP file and send to us as an e-mail attachment to this e-mail address. Include a statement that you have read these submission guidelines and agree to the submission becoming our property.

We will advise you of receipt and plan for publication or rejection. Rejected submissions files will be destroyed.

We appreciate your interest in us and hope that you will continue to visit us at

February, 2012

Parlor Songs is an educational website about American popular music and the history of the genre

If you would like to submit an article about America's music for publish on the website, contact the email on the main page. I also welcome suggestions for subjects for future articles.

All articles are written by the previous owners, unless otherwise stated.

© 1997-2025 by Parlor Songs (former owners Richard A. Reublin or Richard G. Beil). Before using any of these images, text or performances (MIDI or other recordings), please read our usage policy for standard permissions and those requiring special attention. Thanks.

I respect your privacy and do not collect or divulge personal information.

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