The Constance Forward Collection
March, 1998 Edition, Featured Covers

This month, I am featuring a few Irish songs in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. Irish music has always been a prominent part of the American musical scene. The millions of Irish immigrants who have blessed our shores have not only brought wonderful values and a sense of humor but they have also brought music to us that is now as much a part of our society as it is of thier own. Celebrate these wonderful people and their music as we honor the patron Saint of Ireland this month.

Our guest submission this month is another unique piece of music from an incredible collection that has been shared with me by Don Taddia from Memphis. This collection has such startlingly beautiful covers, I will be featuring several of these works over the next few months.

Wild Irish Rose

My Wild Irish Rose


Music by: Chaucy Olcott
Lyrics by: Same
Cover artist unknown.

This song is one that perhaps more than any, epitomizes Irish music in America. The song is one that is instantly recognizable to anyone who is alive and beathing. I remember learning this song when in grade school. It is a simple endearing tune and one that seems to characterize the Irish ballad style. The cover on this song is not much to look at and is certainly showing its age.

Hear this great Irish love songPlay The Song


In The Gloaming


Music by: Annie Fortescue Harrison
Lyrics by: Meta Orred
Cover Artist: Unknown

This work is one that is reflective of some of the Irish style songs written during the early 20th century by non-Irish composers. The cover states "Charming Songs by Favorite Authors.

Listen to In The GloamingPlay The Song


Mother's Rosary of Love


Music and Lyrics by: Leo Wood, & Eddie Dorr
Cover artist: Pfeiffer

Another "Irish" song by a non-Irish composer. I regret that my collection has few true original Irish songs but many of them, like this one, are of the Irish style. Of course the Irish Catholics (and Protestants) are very devout and much Irish music combines the love of God and family. This particular cover and song is also from the great Taddia collection.

Hear Mother's Rosary of Love NowPlay The Song

America, I Love You

America, I Love You


Music by: Archie Gottler
Lyrics by: Edgar Leslie
Cover artist: Einson

Of course, everyone loves Ireland and the Irish who have immigrated to our country also love America. This song was a "monster hit" in 1915 and there are several published versions of it available. The song was written by an immigrant to express his thanks for the opportunity to be here and I am sure was so popular due to the many many immegrants who came to this country during that time. This is yet another of the Taddia covers.

Enjoy the music, listen now.Play The Song

And Now, for March, another great guest submission!

As mentioned last month, Don Taddia of Memphis has shared an incredible collection with me. This collection is so good, I will be featuring several works from his collection over the next months.

In fact, two of the above featured covers are also from this great collection. If any of you have works you would like me to include in future editions, please E-mail me with the details.

Shy - Try

Shy - Try


Music by: Egbert Van Alstyne
Cover Artist: Starmer

This song is one of the most unusual I have encountered. It is actually an arrangement that combines two hit songs from 1906 into one song. The original two that are combined are "Cheyenne" by Harry Williams and Van Alstyne and "Why Don't You Try" a two step by the same duo. In listening to this arrangement, you can easily tell when one song leaves off and the other begins. I guess this was the 1906 equivalent of the sequel.
Be sure to visit next month for a closer look at the "Taddia" Collection.

Listen to this great work.Play The Song

Parlor Songs is an educational website about American popular music and the history of the genre

If you would like to submit an article about America's music for publish on the website, contact the email on the main page. I also welcome suggestions for subjects for future articles.

All articles are written by the previous owners, unless otherwise stated.

© 1997-2025 by Parlor Songs (former owners Richard A. Reublin or Richard G. Beil). Before using any of these images, text or performances (MIDI or other recordings), please read our usage policy for standard permissions and those requiring special attention. Thanks.

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