That Slippery Slide Trombone
Music by Egbert Van Alstyne
Words by Harry H. Williams
Published 1912

[Verse 1]
Down, down, down in an old Raths-kel-ler,
Where the strains of rag-time fill the cel-lar,
There's a mus-i-cal man Are you lis-ten-ing?

Grand-stand trom-bone "fel-ler"
Weep-y, creep-y, mus-ic mel-low,
from his old trom-bone would slide,

And Lu-cy would shout as she hus-tled a-bout
Just to get up by his side.
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Slide me a rag-time slide.

Hon-ey, hon-ey, hear that tone
On that slip-per-y slide trom-bone;
Um Ain't it beau-ti-ful!
Um Tu-ti-frui-ti-ful!

Hon-ey, don't blow "Home Sweet Home"
Steph-en, don't you ev-er
waste a breath to tel-e-phone,

Slide, slide, when I glide, glide, glide,
To the mus-ic of your slide trom-bone.

[Verse 2]
Up, up, up from an old Raths-kel-ler,
Why, they both slipped right up from the cel-lar,
On a slip-per-y night, Are you lis-ten-ing?

She and that young "fel-ler"
They went out to slip the preach-er,
but she slipped up-on a stone,

She fell with a sprawl, he "ac-com-pan-ied his "doll"
On his slip-p'ry slide trom-bone.
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, All that she did was moan.

[Repeat Chorus]