NOBODY KNOWS (And Nobody Seems To Care)
Original Publication 1919 by Irving Berlin, Inc.

[Verse 1]
I'm sad and lone-ly, There's a good rea-son why
No-bod-y cares a-bout me That's why I'm sad as can be
I long for some one Some-bod-y, yes in-deed
Lov-in' kiss-es from one, Is ex-act-ly what I need

Man-y's the time I feel so lone-some
But no-bod-y knows, And no-bod-y cares
I've grown so tir-ed of be-ing by my "own-some"
I want some-bod-y to hug, Cud-dle and snug
as com-fy as a bug in a rug,

Man-y's the time I feel like spoon-ing,
But no-bod-y knows and no-bod-y cares
I guess I'll make out a lit-tle "ad"
That I want some lov-in' so bad
'Cause no-bod-y knows and no-bod-y seems to care.

[Verse 2]
I'd love a sweet-ie, Hang-ing a-round the place
Some-one to wor-ry a-bout I'd nev-er want to go out
My home is gloom-y No-bod-y's there that's why
I feel "bride and grrom-y" Can't you see it in my eye

[Repeat Chorus]