Our catalog is set up to provide you with a listing of those songs that we have already published, some information about them, and links to the page(s) on which they have appeared.

For a general search of titles or subjects, Go to our Search Page

NOTE: All music files for songs published after 1923 are not available for listening due to copyright law. The links in this catalog will take you to the appropriate issue but music links for the MIDI files have been removed.
For more information see our policy page.

Song Title Year Composer Lyricist Location
A Hundred Years Ago c.1815 anon. trad. shanty anon. Essay, Songs of the Sea
A Hundred Years From Now 1914 Carrie Jacobs-Bond John Bennett June, 00 Featured
A Little Pink Rose 1912 Carrie Jacobs-Bond Bond June, 00 Featured
A Perfect Day 1910 Carrie Jacobs-Bond Bond June 00 Feature
November, 97 Feature
A Tisket A Tasket 1938 Ella Fitzgerald, Al Feldman composers Sep, 98 Gallery
A Todo Vapor 1910 Jose D. Romero piano solo May, '04 Featured
Aba Daba Honeymoon 1914 Walter Donovan Arthur Fields Feb., 2007
Across The Hot Sands 1903 J. W. Lerman piano solo June,'04 Feature
Adelai 1921 Joseph Calleja George Abbot Jan, 98 Gallery
Adolphus Morning Glory 1868 D. Braham J. B. Murphy September, 2011
Afghanistan 1920 William Wilander, Harry Donnelly Wilander & Donnelly June,'04 Feature
Afraid To Dream 1937 Mack Gordon
Harry Revel
Gordon & Revell July 98, Gallery
After All That I've Been To You 1912 Chris Smith Jack Drislane April, '05 Feature
After The Ball 1892 Charles K. Harris Harris October, '01 Feature
After The Ball (Efter Balen, Swedish version) 1892 Charles K. Harris Harris July, 00 Essay
After The Roses Have Faded Away 1914 Ernest R. Ball Bessie Buchanan Feb., 99 Gallery
After The War Is Over, Will There Be Any Home Sweet Home 1917 Harry Andrieu E.J. Pourmon, Joseph Woodruff Dec., 2000 Essay
After The Wedding 1895 H. Wendell Tennant Tennant November, '06
After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It 1920 Irving Berlin Berlin Feb., '03 Featured
After You've Gone 1918 Turner Layton Henry Creamer February, '02 Feature
Aggravatin' Papa 1922 Roy Turk, J. Russel Robinson, Addy Brit Turk, Robinson, Brit November, 2007
Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life 1910 Victor Herbert Rida Johnson Young November, '04
Ah! Suzanne ca.1900 W. Hinsch Christine-Christiane July, 00 Featured
Ain't We Got Fun 1921 Richard A. Whiting Gus Kahn, Raymond B. Egan June, 2011 Issue,
Alabamy Mammy 1941 Jones & Elliot composers Jan 99 Featured
Albert (or Say Not Adieu) 1864 Clara M. Brinkerhoff Brinkerhoff August, '10 Issue
Alcoholic Blues, The 1919 Albert Von Tilzer Edward Laska Sept.99 Featured
Alagazam 1902 Abe Holzman none April, 99 Featured
Alexander's Bag Pipe Band 1912 Irving Berlin Berlin Feb. 00, Essay
Alexander's Ragtime Band 1911 Irving Berlin Berlin June 98, GalleryNov., 98 Featured
All Aboard for Blanket Bay 1910 Harry Von Tilzer Andrew B. Sterling February, '04 Feature
All Aboard For Dreamland 1904 Harry Von Tilzer Andrew B. Sterling April, '02 Feature
All Aboard For Monkey Town 1910 George W. Meyer Jack Drislane October,'03 Feature
All Alone 1911 Harry Von Tilzer Will Dillon February, '04 Feature
All Ashore 1938 Billy Hill composer March, 98 Gallery
All I Have Are Sunny Weather Friends 1920 James Kendis, James Brockman Kendis & Brockman May, 2005 feature
All Of My Life 1944 Irving Berlin composer Nov., 98 Gallery
All Over Nothing At All 1922 James Rule A. Seymour Brown March, '05 Feature
All Quiet on the Potomac To-Night 1862 J. H. Hewitt Lamar Fauntaine Rivers of Melody
Aloha Oi 19?? H.M. Queen Liliuokalani composer Dec, 99 Featured
Alone At Last 1925 Ted Fiorito Gus Kahn Nov, 98 Gallery
Along Came Ruth 1914 Irving Berlin Berlin January, 2005 Feature,
Along The Road To Singapore 1915 Hans Von Holstein, Alma M. Sanders Richard M. Pascoe January, '03 Feature
Alouette ???? Trad. French Canadian Unknown September, 2004
Alphabet, The ca 1919 W. A. Mozart Unknown September, 2004
Always 1899 Fred V. Bowers Chas. Horwitz November, 2010 Issue,
Always 1925 Irving Berlin composer Nov,98 Featured also Feb., '03 Featured
Always In The Way 1903 Charles K. Harris Harris November, '01 Feature
Always Sweethearts 1915 Ada Koppitz Harsch Harsch Sept., 2002 Feature
Always Take A Girl Named Daisy 1913 George W. Meyer Alfred Bryan, Sam M. Lewis January, 2005 feature,
Amoureuse ca.1900 Rodolphe Berger Maurice de Féraudy July, 00 Essay
America (My Country 'Tis Of Thee) 1740 Trad. French melody Henry Carey September, 2004
America Forever 1898 E.T. Paull H.A. Freeman July, '01 Feature also July, 02
America, Here's My Boy 1917 Arthur Lange Andrew B. Sterling April, '04 Featured and Nov, 1997 Featured
America, I Love You 1915 Archie Gottler Edgar Leslie April, '04 Featured and March, 98 Featured
America Up-To-Date 1902 J.S. Duss Duss Oct., 2000 Feature
America The Beautiful 1893 Samueal A. Ward Katherine Lee Bates September, 2004
American Beauty March & Two Step 1908 Harry H. Zickel piano solo Aug., 2000 Feature
American Eagle, The 1898 Ernst Fischer piano solo November, 2010 Issue,
American Patrol 1885 F.W. Meacham piano solo July, '01 Feature
American Soldier, The 1890 Richard C. Dillmore Dillmore Oct., 2000 Feature
American Wedding March 1919 E. T. Paull None, piano solo June, 2004
And A Little Child Shall Lead Them 1906 Charles K. Harris Harris February, '06 Feature
And They Called It Dixieland 1916 Richard A. Whiting Raymond Egan April, 98 Featured, also Aug. 99 gallery
Anderson March, The 1861 Bertrand J. Hoffacker piano solo October, 2008 Feature
Angel Child 1922 George Price, Abner Silver, Benny Davis composers Oct, 97 Feature, updated 2006
Angel Of Love 1911 W. C. Powell none Feb., 99 Featured
Angela Mia 1928 Erno Rapee Lew Pollack Feb, 98 Featured
Annie Law 1857 J. R. Thomas W. W. Fosdick December, 2008
Another Candle On Your Birthday Cake 1931 Peter DeRose Charles Tobias Sep, 98 Gallery
Anything Is Nice If It Comes From Dixieland 1919 Grant Clark, Geo. W. Meyer and Milton Ager Clark, Meyer & Ager January, 06 Feature
Apple Blossom Time 1920 Albert Von Tilzer Neville Fleeson May 99 Featured
April Showers 1921 Louis Silvers B.G. De Sylva December,'02 Featured
Araby 1915 Irving Berlin Berlin June,'04 Feature
Are You From Heaven? 1917 L. Wolfe Gilbert, Anatole Friedland Gilbert & Friedland March, 2006
Are You Sincere? 1908 Albert Gumble Alfred Bryan March, '05 Feature
Ariel March 1900 Louis Koemmenich piano solo Sep., 2000 Feature
Arrah, Go On I'm Gonna Go Back To Oregon 1916 Bert Grant Joe Young, Sam Lewis Aug., '03 Featured
Arrah Wanna 1906 Theodore Morse Jack Drislane Mar., 2002 Feature
As In Old Gardens 1917 Anna Priscilla Risher Jeanne Oldfield Potter A.P. Risher Biography
As The Lusitania Went Down 1915 F. Henri Klickmann Arthur J. Lamb July, '16 Feature
As thro' the Street ca.1909 Giacomo Puccini Puccini December, '01 Feature
At The Mercy of the Flood 1913 Al Andriesse Harry Gibson July, '16 Feature
Atlanta, G.A. 1945 Sunny Skylar & Artie Shaftel composers April, 98 Featured
At The Devil's Ball 1913 Irving Berlin Berlin March, 2006
At The End Of A Beautiful Day 1916 William H. Perrins Perrins May, 2005 feature
At The Close Of A Long, Long Day 1932 Johnny Marvin Billy Moll Oct. 98 Gallery
At the Fountain of Youth1915Harry JentesChas. McCarron & Alex GerberApril, 2011 Issue
Atlantic Telegraph Scottische, The 1857 Henry Kleber piano solo December, 2008
Aunt Hagar's Blues 1921 W. C. Handy Handy April, 16 feature
Aunt Hagar's Children Blues 1921 W. C. Handy Handy April, 16 feature
Auto Race, The 1908 Percy Wenrich piano solo Feb., 01 Essay
Autumn Leaves Reverie 1913 Composer Lyricist May, 98 Gallery
Avalon 1920 Al Jolson, Vincent Rose Jolson & Rose December,'02 Featured
Ave Maria 1903 Herbert Johnson Liturgy April,'03 Featured
Ave Maria (from Cavalleria Rusticana) ca.1900 Pietro Mascagni Mascagni December, '01 Feature
Song Title Year Composer Lyricist Location

For a general search of titles or subjects, Go to our Search Page

NOTE: All music files for songs published after 1923 are not available for listening due to copyright law. The links in this catalog will take you to the appropriate issue but music links for the MIDI files have been removed.
For more information see our policy page.

Parlor Songs is an educational website about American popular music and the history of the genre

If you would like to submit an article about America's music for publish on the website, contact the email on the main page. I also welcome suggestions for subjects for future articles.

All articles are written by the previous owners, unless otherwise stated.

© 1997-2025 by Parlor Songs (former owners Richard A. Reublin or Richard G. Beil). Before using any of these images, text or performances (MIDI or other recordings), please read our usage policy for standard permissions and those requiring special attention. Thanks.

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